Reading Response: Michel de Certeau

“Frontier” and “bridges” are two opposing terms mentioned in the extract of the practice of everyday life by Michel de Certeau. “Frontier” relates to separation, whether it is a physical separation between two nations by rivers or ocean. For instance, Taiwan and mainland China are separated by the ocean. Or an intangible Imaginate separation between races, for example the conflict between Black and White in the United States. It all relates a  form of boundaries between two elements. However the term “Bridge” refers to connection or a sense of togetherness. By the meaning of the word, it meant to connect two of the already separated things. One example could be the “Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge”. This purpose of the bridge architecture does not only limited for transportation efficiency, it  also helps to build a “bridge” between the people in Hong Kong, Macao and mainland. To connect, to unite and link people that are physically separated.

Jingyang Guo, 3035853975

1 thought on “Reading Response: Michel de Certeau

  1. Jen Lam says:

    Appreciate that you have applied your understanding of various terms in reality. Does frontier always means separation and does bridge always implies connection? Is there any exception?


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