The author of walking in the city mentioned that space is a practiced place for people. With the experience of walking in the city by the author, it brings out the idea of the importance of walking and experiencing the city and space. While we are walking in the streets of a city, we can see a lot of things. The buildings, cars, plants, bus stops, bridges, street lights…etc. These show the culture of a place, how the people live and how they walk. Walking in the city can also understand how people create the space, such as the roads for people and cars, shops, and pavilions. These can help us to think about how the created space affected our behavior and our thoughts.
UID: 3035666968
Name: Suen Man Jessica
A thoughtful attempt at responding to Certeau’s writing. It is not an easy piece to understand. You have done well in reflecting upon and explaining it in your own words here.