Certeau writes extensively about the difference between “place” and “space”. In chapter 7, he mentions that space is physical and place is an individually created space by giving it ownership and location in our own thoughts. However, in chapter 9, he twists the two around. Certeau repeats many times that space is a practiced place. A place is reducible to “being there” but space is determined through operations by subjects. He continues that “a space takes into consideration vectors of direction, velocities, and time variables … it is actuated by the ensemble of movements”. Personally, it is interesting to think about and revisit the spaces and places that I recognize in contrast to last week’s definitions. Also, Certeau ties this notion of space and place with stories, and creates fluidity between the relationship of place and space through saying “stories thus carry out a labor that constantly transforms places into spaces or spaces into places”.
Hae Gi Choi 3035451193
Excellent reading response to the reading on Certeau – especially in drawing in your understanding from the previous Certeau excerpt. You have demonstrated with great clarity the ability to critically think about Certeau’s notions on space and place, well done!