Portrait of imaginary city provide an extravagant method to narrate the city form in influencing people’s behavior and reveals its hidden transforming nature or ideologies, describe as the ‘the walker city, a city to the move. To walk was the world. To walk was life.” Through portrait the city form in transport, which may linked to national sense or historical imagination, such as Americans’ locomotives, European airship presenting the idea of spacial specialization in urban planning. The most intriguing is the flying machines with the fancy of technology illustrate a metropolis like New York, London present modernism visibly in nomadic hunting by extracting and destroying other weaker cities. Ironically, London the centre of the British Empire, as a pirate, ruled countries in mercantilism, slavery with factories supporting the countries normal function and industrialization. In the form of architecture, reveals the way of city function and interaction between countries that the explicit presentation hard to be done in reality.
Lee Kwan Yeung 3035721380
An intriguing and original response to Abbot’s reading – especially in critically thinking about the architecture of an urban landscape via locomotive, transport, and movement. Well done!