[MOODBOARD] .Odyssey


Consciousness is a driven force of living whilst conflict perpetuates the transcendence of civilisation. On a course of isolation, one must be aware of the being, with a burden of weight, shall it stumbled upon and provoke selfishness. Now that nations are consuming anti-globalisation, we are in the phase of welcoming a new dawn. 

The art of globalisation, is the art of crisis. Globalisation is at our subconscious that provokes the minds of self, protection or centralisation. And this is where it has led us to. It’s only the curator’s fault to be blamed, human.


A basic grasp of the allegory

The idea is to convey the above message through a continuous non-dialectic argumentation between two neighbours, at its blatant there’s nothing to do with the pandemic; at its core, every parts of the details are all linked back to it.


Reference Images:

From left to right, top to bottom

Exodus, or The voluntary prisoners of architecture Rem Koolhaas

The continuous monument Manhattan Superstudio

2001:A Space Odyssey  Stanley Kubrick

The unbearable lightness of being Milan Kundera

Globalisation and its Discontents Joseph E. Stiglitz

Levitated Mass Michael Heizer

The Meaning of Life Terry Jones

The Weather Project Olafur Eliasson

COVID-19 ArcGIS Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Centre

In the Mood for Love Wong Kar Wai

Dior by Dior

Vertigo Alfred Hitchcock

2 thoughts on “[MOODBOARD] .Odyssey

  1. Eunice says:

    Appreciate that you are looking into art, architecture and film references to populate your mood board to develop the video essay. There is evidence of thinking on contents and color through these visuals. What is not so clear is your take on the crisis of globalization from the standpoint of consumption. How you intend to use the consumption of art or film or architecture to comment on the current tensions amid a globalized world and how you are thinking spatially to enact it from your domestic interior setting is not quite presented here yet. You have described preliminary ideas such as curatorship in your text and we have discussed how to stage a created set in your home setting through miniatures, silhouettes, noir colors and textures…

    1. Bryan says:

      After a week of contemplation, considering the fact that there’s only 2:30 minutes for the essay, I’m proposing a storyline surrounding two neighboring apartments provoking each other’s anger through the actions of consumption, the idea is to show that in the end we are isolating ourselves through selfishness with no consideration of others. While bringing ourselves’ happiness through “consuming” globalized activities/ products, we triggers other’s anger or brought over annoyance. This is a phenomenon that is caused by globalization and is amplified through this pandemic. The very first scene taking care of consuming media and food that causes noise pollution, then the neighbor answers with a noisy anger. This neighbor then sets up a party, then the neighbor answers with a yell. (There’s more scene in the video essay script) So these types of action, of maximizing or overprojecting the polarization of constrast emotions shall highlights the idea of globalization as crisis. In the end, I would also question or then, suggest a way out or an optimistic 2021 post-pandemic reaction for this result.


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