It is one of the stories of those in their quarantines. As COVID-19 traverses the globe, people are pretty fragile. They are locked in a small ‘cage’, being self-isolated. Tensions at home and aboard are compounding the environment fraught with fear and confusion. The feelings of loneliness, anger, and alienation could consume them. At the same time, the spring has arrived. People struggle about whether or not to go for an outing. They realize that the spring didn’t bring them hope and virality. The ambulances and fire truck siren outside. Everything seems to be the worst. However, there are always some people bringing us warmth, encouragement, and happiness. They can be families, friends, and strangers on the internet. When you look into every cage, you will always find that the color inside is more than just black and white.
NAME: Shun Ying, Zhuang
UID: 3035702827
• Consider selecting specific fragments of the interior to convey the “Cage” idea in your film.
• Collection of footage: Consider collecting footage from your friends regarding their thoughts on staying inside. Write very specific guideline, both in the content and space, for what you want from you neighbors.
• What are the common spatial elements between you and your interviewee that would enable you to have consistent footages.