In this documentary, I intended to present how we could protect ourselves by taking precautionary measures like cleaning toilet bowl with bleach and avoid getting in touch with lift button. We have to be attentive to every details like hidden place of toilet like the drainage of pipe line which ought to be hydrated for the sake of not infesting with diseases. After all, we must pay tribute to our mom who had been so dedicated to do whatever it takes to keep our home clean and safe so as to protect us in the wake of this pandemic.





Lau Chun Ho Darren

UID: 3035708819

1 thought on “[VIDEO ESSAY] BASTION

  1. Annie Lye says:

    How would you define bastion? Your title alludes to warfare, but your film does not seem to convey the intensity and imagery of war, of defense and offense. More research can be done, beyond documenting the sanitation practices of your subject’s family. How would you critically examine the strategies in a home? What is your critique of the standards of sanitation practices?

    Your narration is clear and well-articulated, but each scene can be better framed, in terms of camera angle and consistency. Overall, the visuals are well-paced in relation to the narration. Your choice of a linear sequence of each step is methodical and clear. You can explore the use of soundtracks to enhance your film.


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