[Field-Homework 3] Spacious City – fewer minibus stops

A spacious City —– with fewer minibus stops Producer: Liu Junhe (UID 3035948469) video link: https://youtu.be/S_uGgvHj8N4 Hong Kong is a busy city with a dense population. In recent years, the most popular traffic transport is minibuses, especially in areas that are short and hard to reach by the MTR. However, because of the traffic and safety concerns, changes in public transportation policies, environmental issues and so on, the number of minibus stops is decreasing.   The most series problem is traffic congestion and road safety and that’s also what I pay much attention on my video. Hong Kong’s streets are

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[Reading Response2] Noir Urbanisms delves into the paradox of urban de

Noir Urbanisms delves into the paradox of urban development and demonstrates how cities, often seen as innovation centers, can also become stages of differentiation and dystopia. This article critically examines the socio-economic inequality exhibited in urban space, using examples from cities around the world to illustrate the conflicting outcomes of urban progress. A central theme is the critique of the concept of “smart cities”. It challenges the assumption that technological progress fundamentally improves urban life. On the contrary, it indicates that these technologies can enhance monitoring and control, potentially infringing on individual freedom and privacy. This key viewpoint is crucial

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Fieldwork Report Liu Junhe & Zhang Zhechuan

Youtube link : https://youtu.be/YpTblu_GtZw 5 stills link : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x6GHY_I49ze__-VrWONov28lb6YMVW8L?usp=drive_link Research Report on the Disappearance of “Minibus Stop” in Hong Kong Liu Junhe 3035948469 Zhang Zhechuan 30361269028 Introduction In the vibrant cityscape of Hong Kong, our focus turns to an ostensibly ordinary yet historically significant location – the “Minibus Stop.” This report embarks on an exploration of its past, current state, and the impending reasons behind its disappearance, illuminating the effects of this transformation on local communities and proposing viable countermeasures. On-Site Investigation: Preserving the Essence Amidst Progress Our team’s meticulous on-site exploration unraveled the intricate details encapsulated by the “Minibus

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