Question for Director Chen
What kind of film techniques did you use to bring out the main message of this movie?
What kind of film techniques did you use to bring out the main message of this movie?
What were some of the key characteristics in architecture that you were looking for when location scouting? What were the driving factors behind deciding the shoot location?
There are some scenes in which there seem to be something blocking the frame. Some seem like lights or objects whereas there was some lens flare in others such as the karaoke scene. Was that an intentional move from you? If so what was the idea behind it?
It is a unique experience to watch a film like this. I want to ask questions about applying cinematography techniques and the story’s location. 1. Why are foregrounds often included in the scenes? (e.g., doors, walls) 2. Why does the female protagonist face the camera sideways? 3. Why do you choose Cambodia as the filming location? What is its uniqueness compared to the underdeveloped European and Southwestern Asian countries? Thank you so much! Zhao Meijing 3036126991
Why did you choose estate agency to be the main character? Hung Hiu Yi
In the movie, there are scenes where structural elements such used to create a clear division between different portions of the frame. For instance, the wall acts as the medium that separates the motion of the female character as she walks down the staircase on the right portion of the image from the left. Similarly, there is also a scene where the characters are shown on the left side of the frame through the lightened spaces shaped by the doorway that divides the frame capturing the characters from the darkness dominating the left side of the frame. May I ask
There are a good amount of scenes where main characters are shot from distance, there are very limited amount of close-up shots or whatever it is called, is there any particular reason you and your team chose this kind of method of filming?