The subject structure of the post is the apartment building (rooms, halls are featured).
- (static camera, unexpected location). The room(in the apartment) is indeed safer than outside. But a mask is required to go out from the place.
2. (POV/first-person) Private rooms are full of sanitary goods that can save people from virus infection.
3. (POV/first-person) Even the public section of the building provides sanitary services for visitors.
4. (panning camera, dynamic subject, cropping) The place is still under impact of the disease, so not much movement from people.
5. (static camera, time-lapse) People seems to mostly stay in room for a long time, unless they wish to go out to get the mask.
For part 5, camera is completely static for the entire duration. This expresses the current lifestyle of the person in the subject doesn’t include much movement. The sky at the background is visibly darkening. This highlights the flow of time while the person is staying in the room. This can be a form of expressing isolation of time. Also the time lapse effect supports this idea of ‘flow of time’, by making the change in tone of the sky much visible in such short duration.
Taeyeon Lee (3035718096)
Appreciate the attempt to match different camera positions and techniques with the content, such as time lapse and loop. (videos 4 and 5). Since you are the subject of your video series here, what further insights are you offering on the ongoing situation that is unique or particular, beyond the shared experiences of separate living and hygiene procedures? Do you intend to present the unique and specific or the general? At the moment, it is somewhere in the middle. If its the former you intend, then what specific elements in the space, in your routine/behavior reveals that? Have you seen the man who posts videos of himself playing rock, scissors, papers with himself and drinking his liquor when he loses to himself? On the other hand, if you wish to present a generic experience of urban isolation during this time to make a point that no matter where one is in the world, then how would you reconsider the contents in your video? Perhaps you will start with erasing any cultural clues, if that’s possible at all…
And what is your response to the question of urban infrastructure? Do you see the apartment as an urban infrastructure? If so, do articulate this in your text description or in the way your video presents it.