[Field-Homework 3] My Spatial Story for Masks


Architecture is the protection and shelter for citizens. If an architect is told to design buildings to cope with the environmental crisis, will architecture guard me against the coronavirus? Notice I am going out every day during the peak of the crisis, my trajectories from my place, the apartment plot, to spaces like transportation infrastructures and populous streets, do not seem to protect me from the coronavirus. These structures are not even more protective than the masks. This video tells my trajectory story between places and spaces, portraying how I take this extra step to get masks in my routine.








“Coronavirus: A Glossary of Terms to Help You Understand the Unfolding Crisis.” Google, Google, www.google.com/amp/s/sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/coronavirus-glossary-terms-help-understand-180438847.html.

“Coronavirus: The Objects That Help Spread COVID-19.” Google, Google, www.google.com/amp/s/news.sky.com/story/amp/coronavirus-revealed-the-objects-that-help-spread-covid-19-11949623.

“Italy Coronavirus Death Toll Surges Past 1,000: Live Updates.” Google, Google, www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2020/03/declares-coronavirus-global-pandemic-live-updates-200311235023766.html.

“Primerdesign Launches Molecular Test for New Coronavirus.” Primerdesign Launches Molecular Test for New Coronavirus, 31 Jan. 2020, https://www.google.com/search?q=microscope virus corona&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjbnOrI6ZroAhVDb5QKHScwCpIQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=microscope virus co&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.1.0.0j0i5i30l2j0i8i30l2.11895.13402..14388…0.0..……0….1.tsKJ2NpCO1M&ei=Q0FtXpvvJ8Pe0QSn4KiQCQ&client=ms-android-huawei-rev1&prmd=ivn#imgrc=kihRPXi-dTXPnM.


Name: Wong Kai Yan Michelle

UID: 3035664300

1 thought on “[Field-Homework 3] My Spatial Story for Masks

  1. Ina Wu says:

    Appreciate the scripting and poetic narration. The hard statics contrasted with your emotive narration works well. The work is consistent with your previous work and further here. Appreciate the experimentation of techniques. The intentional switching from black and white to color works well in this context, even though the variations might seem all over the place. Consider being more intentional in using the techniques.
    This piece cleverly situates yourself in the physical and socio-historical context to draw attention to the issue and using yourself, who you know best, as the subject of this documentary. Definitely a few steps ahead of others. Good job.


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