[Mood Board] Reminder

[Reminder] is going to be a documentary about the valuable lessons covid-19 has left us with to think about. It will center around a girl who recalls the lessons she learned through the experience as she spends her day at home in 2021. The mood board above includes those values, appreciation of nature, social interaction, and discovery through travel, and the lesson to learn to be grateful for them. The memories will flow as the girl moves around the house. Each color represents a value.

Hae Gi Choi 3035451193

1 thought on “[Mood Board] Reminder

  1. Ina Wu says:

    1. Consider how we would reimagine travel in 2021: Localized travel? New appreciation of local location?
    2. Another suggestion would be to look at travel in the bedroom. The reappreciation of indoor traveling.
    3. Consider the location specificity.


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