Reading Response: Carl Abbott

In science fiction films, there are many so-called “migratory cities,” which are the cities that can move from place to place. For example, some utilize extensible legs to walk, change their town to an airship, and use trains on the wheel. These migratory cities are not just for fun but also educational purposes. The main objective may be appealing to people to protect the environment since people choose to migrate their city to avoid environmental disasters and massive tectonic disruptions in the SCI-FI film. Besides, there are evident classic divisions, such as the elite living at the top of the city and the lowest at the city’s bottom. This shows that future urban towns in SCI-FI films can sometimes reflect real social issues. Apart from that, the migratory cities can make people and countries more connected, corresponding to the real tense international relationship. In general, SCI-FI films not only provide feasts of eyes and enormous world views but also lead people to more profound thoughts about our natural world.

Huai Chengtian(3035845978)

1 thought on “Reading Response: Carl Abbott

  1. Sammie says:

    A concise summary of the reading. You mentioned the various ways the cities could ‘move’. How do you think they compare in relation to the kind of future they imagine? Also, could you clarify the sentence “Apart from that, migratory cities can make…real tense international relationship?”


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