[Reading Response: Christine Boyer]

Sci-fic films often show various possible worlds of artificial intelligence and cyberspace. A modern cities and the sci-fic plots interlace with each other, rendering the space of fantasy to the audience, developing CyberCities with turning the time and space in our daily life into an imaginary cyberspace and dystopia. As for the Machine City, idolization appears in the city and liberates the messages of the darker side of the city. The ruler uses their power to force people follow the norm, establishing their authority with a view to controlling everything or fulfilling their vanity. People have to stay in their intrinsic position and follow the stringent discipline so as to maintain the operation of the society. The metaphor reflects the reality of various metropolis and the modern cities.

The famous sci-fic movie, “The Matrix” use an imaginary analogy to represent in the movie –they use human body as the power source to generate the power or electricity and operates cells in the computer. It indicates the society in our real world: labor force is the gear and engine in the society; the rapid tempo of a metropolis in order to boost the efficiency and the productivity; people keep working and forgetting their mental needs. From my perspective, sci-fic films are not astonishing people the idea of identification of our world. Instead, they are reminding people to take care their psychological needs and be an empathic beings.

—Yeung Po Ying, 3035923940

1 thought on “[Reading Response: Christine Boyer]

  1. Jen Lam says:

    I have enjoyed reading your response. Good summary and reflection. It is nice that you have spotted the message of retaining our humanity through sci-fi films. As we have discussed, sci-fi films/ cities are all ideated by real happenings and their messages are often directed at real problems.


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