[Reading Response: M. Christine Boyer]

The idea of a machine city has always fascinated me because of how relatable it feels regarding personal interests. As an architecture student, I was especially excited to discuss Le Corbusier ‘A house is a machine for living in’ during the tutorial. I strongly stand by using efficient tools to provide for comfortable conditions and necessities of life, which at this day and age is inseparable from the advancements in technology we have experienced in recent years.

This bring me to the point of virtual reality, constructions of virtual environments and recent developments of the metaverse has really shown possible it is to create our own cybercity, controlled by A.I. and robots to mimic – if not improve – the physical world. Not to mention this heavily excites my geeky Sci-Fi-Philosophy brain, having always wondered if we were living in a simulation, this reading reinforced the idea that it was definitely possible.

HEUER Lukas Lawrence




1 thought on “[Reading Response: M. Christine Boyer]

  1. Jen Lam says:

    Good to hear your personal reflection. Do you think Hong Kong residential building adheres to Le Corbusier’s idea of a House is a Machine for Living in? If functionalism dominates, is aesthetics still important?


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