Reading Response: Michel De Certeau or Nezar AlSayyad

The thriving of the Chinese film industry began with cinema, particularly Shanghai’s which was initially vastly intertwined with the infiltration of Hollywood movies. It was intriguing to discover that not only did movie-watching provide an alternate amusement back then but also altered a societal fetishism towards the female given its discrepancy with the foreign. Surprisingly, the conservative convention has been deemed to be acceptable in the modern film industry. However, the lofty, ambitious idea to separate the movie world from reality remains today, to an extent, showed its importance and unchangeability in the film industry.


NG Hok Yiu BRYAN 3036106032

1 thought on “Reading Response: Michel De Certeau or Nezar AlSayyad

  1. Lu Zhang says:

    I appreciate your comprehensive analysis of Lee’s essay in terms of China-Hollywood comparison and femininity. However, I would like to hear more of your reflections/concerns on this, which can be demonstrated by particular film case(s) or your personal experience(s). Furthermore, please reflect on the following questions: 1) In the evolution of the Chinese cinematic industry, what has stayed and what has gone? 2) How did female figure(s) help to demonstrate Chinese modern cities, especially Shanghai?


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