After reading this article, I believe that watch movies in the theater is classic and wise.When people appreciate these pieces of arts, they can have a better experience in the cinema rather than somewhere else. The main reasons must be the atmosphere, light and sound in the cinema as mentioned by Roland Barthes. The key word of the environment in the cinema must be darkness, it can give people a helping hand to focus on the movie and relax away from the bustle of the city. Also, more authentic sound will put people personally in the scene, and with the combination of the light beam, cinematographic hypnosis may be formed.
However, as the development of technology, people can watch movies online. It is true that this way is more convenient and accessible, but the feeling of online watching is quite different from cinemas. As a result, I prefer to watch movies in the movie theaters.
Jinkuan Li 3035829481
You summarised Barthes’ ideas well. An atmosphere that is inducing (if not supporting) inward self-enjoyment activity. He treats the movie theatre as an escape, an alternate world to what is “outside”, which provided him with “… the most venerable of powers: healing” (p.345). To build a better argument, you could consider diving deeper into the incomparability of watching films in a cinema and elsewhere. What makes it so different to watching films at home, or on the phone? And why does it matter, more specifically to you?