When going to the cinema, individuals usually focus on the movie at hand and tend to overlook the vital role of the surrounding ambiance in shaping their degree of satisfaction. The light emitted from the exit signs, the texture of the seats, the after-taste of buttery popcorn… These are only some of the factors which contribute to one’s overall experience. These key elements, Barth argues, although much more subtle, are nevertheless as prevalent as the films themselves. He particularly underlines the feeling one gets as the lights are dimmed down and one is submerged in total darkness: a feeling of catharsis and pleasure. All these factors combined consequently submerge the audience into a “hypnotic” state, where the details of the movie are amplified and the message is transmitted thoroughly. Although modern day media try to achieve these results by bringing movies into people’s homes (a so-called more intimate and convenient environment), such an experience can solely be generated by cinema.
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