Reading Response: Roland Barthes

The article “Leaving the Cinema” discusses the elements of a theater that help viewers get fully immersed in a film, including the sound, camera light, darkness, seats, movie screen, and distance from the screen. Darkness plays the most significant role in why viewers are drawn to a film completely. On the contrary, when watching a movie at home, bright lighting, walking people, dinner tables, and other furniture constantly serve as a reminder that we are in a domestic setting rather than at the cinema. These frequently distract us from the movie’s plot. But when it’s dark, we often find ourselves cut off from our usual surroundings and lose sight of their borders and I think that is the most suitable environment for people to immerse in the movie.

Zhu Chenrui    UID:3036098455

1 thought on “Reading Response: Roland Barthes

  1. Yin Chun Gilbert says:

    You have extracted the key parameters introduced by the reading that would affect how an audience immerse into the whole film-watching. I appreciate how you used real-life experience to compare with the description in the reading. To further your writing, I would recommend you to be more critical in the writing and compare the hypnotic processes in a movie theatre to that (if any) at home.


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