[Reading Response:Abbas]

“Global city” is an attractive issue to discuss. Inspired by Abbas, I have some thoughts on this topic. A global city must have the ability to collect resources like well-educated labor, money, commerce and technologies from all over the world, so it must be advanced in most fields. At the same time, it must be open, which means that in a global city, people from different backgrounds and having diverse beliefs are living together and equally attribute to world development. All these characters reflect on the city itself—from an urban perspective: a global city possesses the most advanced architectures, which are the fruits of human intelligence and the civic structure displays high openness. The city is a vital point in the world network.


Name: Gao Ningling



2 thoughts on “[Reading Response:Abbas]

  1. Annie Lye says:

    This is a thoughtful reflection on Abbas’ reading this week – especially your contemplation on the porousness of a ‘global city.’ According to your understanding and definition of a ‘global city,’ how does it differ from the theory of ‘globalization’? How do these two frameworks differ, if they do?

    1. Gao Ningling says:

      Well, in my opinion, globalization focuses more on the allocation of resources all over the world while global city emphasizes what role a city plays in the process of resource allocation. That is the difference. However, there is no doubt that the global city is the product of globalization and it will promote the process of globalization and then human development.


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