[Reading Response]-Abbas, M. A. (1997). Hong Kong: Culture and the politics of disappearance (pp. 63-90)

The concept of disappearance is a recurring theme in Ackbar Abbas’s “Building on Disappearance,”which exploring how Hong Kong’s rapid urbanisation and modernization have resulted in the loss of physical structures, neighbourhoods, and cultural landmarks, leading to a sense of disorientation and collective memory loss among its residents. The author argues that the vanishing of architectural entities has shaped the city’s identity and social fabric and reflects on the complex relationship between architecture, memory, and identity. As I read “Building on Disappearance,” I was struck by the notion that disappearing structures can contribute to a sense of disorientation and loss of

Continue reading[Reading Response]-Abbas, M. A. (1997). Hong Kong: Culture and the politics of disappearance (pp. 63-90)