[Video Essay] Mobile City

Title: Mobile City

Credits: Directed and narrated by Song Yang (Music: on the road)

Description of the theme:

There are many ways to define and describe a city like Hong Kong. When it is related to the covid-19 pandemic and MTR passage, the first word coming to my mind is “mobile”.

The MTR, or Mass Transit Railway, is the railway transportation system of Hong Kong. It is a municipal rail transit system in Hong Kong referring to 10 lines that can be passed through an MTR-way ticket. Although Hong Kong is not so big, there are a plenty of MTR Stations and each of them has its own representative color. Since Hong Kong is a very busy international city, it is interesting for me to explores its morality in the situation of pandemic. Through my research, I find that current MTR station has more organized mobility and people are more likely to protect themselves so mobility because of different situations is more visible.

Research methods and making of the video:

My basic structure is firstly to find different kinds of mobility in MTR passage and then focus on how the covid-19 pandemic shapes the current mobility. When you observe carefully, there are many things, like the electric telescopic door, the gate, the lift and so so on. Concerning the current mobility of MTR passage within the pandemic, I focus more on the activity of human and observe how they walk, run, rush and react to different situations.

When making the video, I also take this order and try to demonstrate the mobility of Hong Kong MTR in a more organized and clear way.

Objectives and reflections:

I attempt to find out how the city Hong Kong is shaped on the perspective of mobility and explore how this mobility is influenced or changed to some extent under the situation of the covid-19 pandemic.

Based on my research and making the video, I have a deeper knowledge of Hong Kong MTR and more and more interest in this comprehensive and complex city. The pandemic has hit the pause button on many cities, but not Hong Kong. It is still moving busily. In MTR passage, the changing screen reminds people of social instance. People walk, run, and rush, to different destinations. However, in the meanwhile, they try their best to keep private space. The pandemic adds to tension in this crowded environment. If one person remove his mask or cough, everyone near him will leave quickly.

There is another kind of mobility in MTR passage. The transfer between 2 contrary concepts. Here and there. Noise and quiet. Quickness and slowness. Busyness and leisure. With the trains coming and leaving, everything is changing, never stop. The pandemic makes this transfer in a more organized way. More order, less chaos. Men and women, the elderly and the young, everyone is moving in this mobile MTR passage, in this mobile city, Hong Kong.




Calvino, I., & Weaver, W. (1997). Invisible cities. London: Vintage. c1978.

Impact of Covid-19 on Hong Kong Transport

Song Yang, 3035772781

3 thoughts on “[Video Essay] Mobile City

  1. u3569304 says:

    In your video, you have shown that what inside the MTR station. Also explaing how “mobile” it is. Then, you have link the mobile to the COVID-19 pandemic showing how “mobile” change during this period. Compare with other cities, may cities block down during this period. However, Hong Kong can still running in such kind of “mobile”.

    Hung Wai Chung 3035693040

  2. u3577125 says:

    Impressive! In fact, my topic is similar to yours. Mine is about the underground, and yours is about the MTR passage. What left a deep impression on me is your explanation and understanding of the word “mobile”. You related every moving thing in these passages to “mobility”, just like a lift, a door or even a screen. These are still things in my view because they can’t leave their original positions. But you give them life. And this is what I have ignored. Also, you showed the situation in the pandemic period in your video. It seems that everything is still changing in a more organized way in this specific period. The pandemic doesn’t bring chaos to the MTR system but more order.

    HU Yujie 3035771256

  3. Noella Kwok says:

    The video demonstrates a basic understanding of and the ability to apply and synthesise research, concepts and key issues relating to a well-identified topic. You were able to identify the some aspects of the theme/place but the argument was not too clear at present. How do you define mobility in your video? In terms of editing, the voice-over is too soft and was covered by the background music. Regarding video content, you maintained an acceptable organisation. Each individual shots would benefit if they are longer and the written component could be better articulated to support the video.


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