[VIDEO ESSAY] Continue

Link of the video:

I decided this video is a documentary. It is a documentary describing how Hong Kongers continue to participate in social movements during epidemic periods. Since mid June of 2019, anti-extradition law movements have already developed to full scale anti-government movements. However, due to the COVID-19 outbreak in January 2020, most of the protests were cancelled, yet, some of the Hong Kongers remain their revolutionary mindset and continue the movement in other methods.

The video first started with take away from “yellow shop” (pro democracy stance’s shop), then it covered some clips from last year protest and then this year’s protest, like the protest of quarantine accommodations, strike of medical staff, shortage of face masks , support “Yellow economic zone” and social distancing laws for restaurants. After that, I use first person angle I to capture what I see and as the main character of the video. The video then go though what the main character has done related the social movement during this period. It included retweet the twitter, share news to Facebook, post Instagram story of the related social movement content. The main character also uses a mobile phone app to search the yellow shop restaurant when he wants to eat out. For some instant he needed to go out, he will wear the face mask made by the yellow shop industry and search the yellow shop to shopping through a online map first. Then a black screen is shown and ask the reason of continue the protest in the epidemic time. The main character pointed out that no one would protest if everything fine in the society. However, the abuse of police power is still continue, the latest proof is about the enforcement of the social distancing law. Then how can we not stand up? The video ends with the main character narration, describing Hong kong people are fighting for their freedom for themselves and their next generation; There are also some people who want the good old days before 1997; Some people just want peace and no protest etc. Finally, rhetorical questions are asked and provide a chance for audience to think about the question.

FLoor plan


港醫護人員罷工:再不封關,就太晚了 RFI 法國國際廣播電台
Retrieve From http://www.rfi.fr/tw/%E6%B8%AF%E6%BE%B3%E5%8F%B0/20200204-%E6%B8%AF%E9%86%AB%E8%AD%B7%E4%BA%BA%E5%93%A1%E7%BD%B7%E5%B7%A5%E5%86%8D%E4%B8%8D%E5%B0%81%E9%97%9C%EF%BC%8C%E5%B0%B1%E5%A4%AA%E6%99%9A%E4%BA%86

Hundreds Of Thousands Protest Extradition Law In Hong Kong | NBC News
Retrieve From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu9lpYaVkag

醫護罷工第四日;工會:6400人參與 醫管局:5000人缺勤;雙方傍晚會面 工會批局方未交代如何改善裝備明續罷工 – 20200206 – 香港新聞 – 有線新聞 i-Cable News
Retrieve From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUMdYIr5acc

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Retrieve From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiMPx5Ylayk

速龍小隊進入太子地鐵站車廂內攻擊市民 Rian
Retrieve From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7sA0ROJF9w

香港理工17號起遭封鎖 示威者垂降逃生 TVBS NEWS
Retrieve From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftCdB0yrHSc

Thousands queue in Hong Kong desperate for masks amid coronavirus outbreak South China Morning Post
Retrieve From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1oQJECRjuI

Hong Kong protesters torch planned coronavirus quarantine building & Wuhan doctors wear hazmat suits The Sun
Retrieve From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4i0jtA0jao

4.26 防暴警察進入太古城中心的一刻,不斷呼喝及警告市民。EYEPRESS 片段 眾新聞
Retrieve From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSvAhENfNrc

市民不滿隻身路經商場遭警以「限聚令」票控 香江望神州
Retrieve From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPlBSyaeOmg

Twitter of Joshua Wong
Retrieve From https://twitter.com/joshuawongcf/status/1245639425331056640?s=21&fbclid=IwAR3Tmb9OwvhYilWPppat7RrYAfHYZpA6NikpzwH-DbLg3zFloObe6DzbQ74

鏗鏘集:時代抗疫 成功爭取?
Retrieve From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyQeY3icbFE&list=PLuwJy35eAVaIDgH7hgOpknp7KPOaibNjN&index=8&t=0s&fbclid=IwAR2L9Ytq4FLj2xMwIE_2uce0kRQEmD19Mqf90a57DE97ctJsDSwV_aU9ONE

Wong Lok Kan

4 thoughts on “[VIDEO ESSAY] Continue

  1. Hui Chun Yin Edison says:

    My first general comment is about the narration throughout the video. Since you have made a thorough collection of videos on news, photos and your daily life, the footage actually tells the stories of Yellow Economic Circle (i.e. catering, TV channels) on their own, without verbal description. You may let more rooms for reflection from the audience. (Maybe represent your idea in text on this blog XD.) The sequence of the videos may have a better arrangement by following chronological order or intersecting your private life with the social events (i.e. the government announcement on CU Mask after 3-month pandemic VS a whole bunch of masks you’ve bought).

  2. Cheung Ka Chun says:

    In my opinion, I think the is more relate to the social issue last year but without a link between the COVID-2019/Wuhan Disease and relation change during the disease. It is a bit out-focus. I can’t command on your political state, but even it is a blood/life cost, it may not be very suitable as an assignment. Yet, I do like the method that you shot, it gives the first view to us and seems we are participating in the social event. Also, I like your idea that why we need to continue, but I have to say that it is better to post as YouTube video.

  3. Lee Taeyeon says:

    It is very refreshing to see what is happening to the social movement in HK during the epidemic. It seems like a new, rare, and creative topic only could be seen from HK. However, the use of the theme of Coronavirus-19 and the change in society’s lifestyle is not shown as much as the theme of social movement. Most of the actions you showed were still going on before the outbreak (except for the buying mask from yellow shop, but it can be done with any other products). In my opinion, this could have fit more to the primary topic (the epidemic) if you talked more about how the social movement has been affected by an unexpected epidemic. Overall, I like the video, but it seems like it needs be on the topic.

  4. Suen Man Jessica says:

    Hi, thanks for concerning the social issues of hk. This video has recorded your experience during the outbreak of covid 19. In my opinion, I think that the social issues and the Wuhan disease are happening at the same time. People in hk are still fighting for freedom and protecting themselves from the virus. These two incidents are serious and affecting people’s life. I think this video is nice and the content is relevant.


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