Spaces and places both mean the locations, the place has higher stability, and the space can bear the action conducted by humans, which has higher dynamics. In other words, places are more likely to stills, and spaces are more likely to movies. Take the park as an example, there are children playing, elderly people practicing Tai chi and friends chatting. For participants, the park is a space for them to relax, but for the people at the next hood to the park, it’s just a place.
For tours and maps, the tour is telling you how to do it, and the map is asking you what to do. If you are visiting the park as I mentioned before for the first time , you need to refer to a map to locate where the square or trapeze is. But for the people who live next block and visit frequently.
–Zhang Zheng, Smoky
You summed up De Certeau’s points on space and place quite precisely. To better understand the concepts discussed in the text, I would suggest relating the articles to our real-life experience. For example, space might have a different meaning to different people. Do you have a personal experience that could help your readers to understand your agreement with De Certeau’s argument?