In the dawn of the industrial revolution of the 18th century, early modern cities emerged. As machines gradually replaced the lowest levels of human labor, science and technology continued to evolve, business models and political ideas began to renovate, many novelists, sci-fi scriptwriters, and architects gave their answers to future urban blueprints. The article mainly describes a few kinds of migratory cities and the imagined urban future. It is an interesting point that in many migratory cites, the class division is particularly emphasized, and the design of the architecture has become the tool to enforce this consciousness. In Mortal Engines (2001), different class es live on different floors of the building. The elite lives on the top can enjoy fresh air while the city’s gut lives at the bottom — the factory level. Also, we can see in (2013) that different classes are separated into different carriages and this division is enforced by armed police. In migratory cities, architectures are not space only for living but a tool to defend their class interests.
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