Slow City – Mall Directed by:LIU Haitian 3035844314 Script: Tianjin, a city with a long history and rich culture, the way of life here is gradually slowing down. During the pandemic, there are no more people in the bustling city center. There are rows and rows of tall buildings and some new fashion elements. Shopping malls, once crowded and noisy, are now soothing and reassuring. A variety of fine jewelry stores, cosmetics stores, goods in full view. And instead of fighting, people walked at their own pace, a throwback to decades ago. Malls, once crowded and noisy, are now reassuring. A variety of

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Reading Response: Joseph Rosa

This article talks about the connection between modern architecture and cinema. Like movies, architectural space constructs detailed motion images, dynamic trajectories of living space and life narrative. As the meaning of modern architecture, it is inseparable from the lives of modern people. At the same time, movies come from life. Through modern architecture, movies can better narrate some more realistic and sharp topics about power, status, crime and so on. While some traditional buildings will appear in the movie, which can make people more immersive, let people watch some more empathetic experiences or events, and more in line with real

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A Moment of Romance, Chen Musheng (1990) St. Margaret‘s Church,Hong Kong Island,Hong Kong The film is about a love story between a young gangster and a rich young lady, Jojo. Two people get to know each other accidentally because of a robbery and kidnapping case, two people gradually fall in love with each other later, but Hua Tsai has his friendship fetters in the underworld, jojo also has a better life that belongs to him. The two eloped on the night of their departure, confirming their love for each other, but unfortunately Howie chose to avenge his death, leaving Jojo


Reading Response: Michel de Certeau

This passage talks about the difference between place and space and analyses the deep meaning of these two words from different angles. First of all, place, to sum it up, is a static region composed of multiple elements and space is to think about space vectors, space velocities, is a dynamic three-dimensional thing. Space is the thing that presents as the objective existence of the positional differences between all objects on display. Because space is everywhere in real life, as long as the film is still “realistic”, everything in the film is in space. In the shooting of movies, place

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Reading Response:Nezar AlSayyad

The three film materials record and tell the behavior of voyeurs in different architectural environments and times from different perspectives. It raises questions about surveillance, privacy, human rights, gender discrimination and other issues in today’s society. In the first movie, neighbors spy on other people’s lives with binoculars, which reflects the hot outside and cold inside between people. In the back window, surveillance cameras are everywhere in the society, which ensures that the crime rate is gradually controlled, but exposes people’s privacy. Some men with rights can access the monitoring system to observe women, which is also a kind of

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