[Workshop 2 exercise] Liu Yuhan

I chose these two pictures for my illustration, and both were shot by myself. The first photo was taken in Nepal, at the lakeside of Phewa Lake. On that day I had a similar experience—-wandering excitedly around the lake for hours, and this picture showcases the distance between me and the outside world since I felt quite excited but lonely at that moment. I think this scene can take place near Phewa Lake because there are many bars and restaurants nearby the lake that open at midnight and are crowded with people. However, when your feet step on its shore,

Continue reading[Workshop 2 exercise] Liu Yuhan

Workshop 2 Exercise (Chan Hiu To Max)

The first image focuses on establishing the scene of a rainy night, specifically in a street corner of a shop (the mood is rather gloomy). Meanwhile, the second image reiterates the depressing/sad atmosphere, with the man on the street alone and in a dark silhouette. Link for Image One: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwallhaven.cc%2Fw%2Fjxq5z5&psig=AOvVaw0TKpPXt9Ea–eywnrsm0l1&ust=1711014689651000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCLj1-efMgoUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE Link for Image Two: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdillieodigital.wordpress.com%2F2014%2F03%2F20%2Fstand-in-the-rain%2F&psig=AOvVaw1jaDoTojvaeGc-4KzdL9Za&ust=1711014763021000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCIj1q-fMgoUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE Chan Hiu To Max (3036137134)

Workshop 2 Exercise CHAN CHUN PONG

To show the feeling of being alone , i think the best is that the character itself need to stay in a empty street and sit alone to look though the empty road. Using the back instead of character face, i think it can show that the character is tired in something, the more better way is that their can have some smoke came out from character first picture:https://zh.pngtree.com/freebackground/man-is-holding-an-umbrella-while-the-rain-falls_2652338.html second picture: poe.com(AI photo )   CHAN CHUN PONG 3036267135