Field-Homework 2 In Order

# I chose the street as the infrastructure and chose  a high angle shot to express a sense of full view. However, my camera seems not high-tech and the videos are not presented well…

A guy shows his pass to enter a residential area.

A guard picks up a garbage on the street.

I witness this frame by accident. I used a high angle shot not only because the limitation of camera location, but also trying to give audiences a full view of the whole frame to let them judge if it is good or not. Under the spreading of virus, the government has set up many limitation. I am expressing that everybody continues their life in order, subjecting to the arrangement. The Guard sees the garbage and picks it up. He, who is the epitome of the people, discovers details in his surroundings and  handles them and that is the reason why people are in order.

The client is getting goods from a courier.

The guard is checking the temperature of a man trying to enter the crossing.

Couriers are packing goods in the station.




Yan Zipeng


1 thought on “Field-Homework 2 In Order

  1. Ina Wu says:

    Appreciate your journalistic way of documenting activities and people who keep things in order for you. The high angle position you have taken conveys the isolation position of you in contrast with the on going city. However, your documentation will be more compelling if you try introducing different filming techniques and actively consider the different angles of your camera.


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