[Field-Homework 2] PACE



[Reverse Motion] An everyday infrastructure that witnesses the everyday lives.



[Fast motion, Overlaying] In this dreadful atmosphere, walkers cannot stay long nor strong.


[Worm angle , Framing,  Reverse and Fast Motion] Feeling so tense, they still have to hold their pace and let the cars go.


[Cropping, Reverse Motion] Everyone needs treat in a hard time, especially for kids.


[Jump cut, Zooming, Slow Motion]
As we wait for the traffic light to turn green, everyone crosses the road at once. Right now, we avoid any social interaction and physical touch. We cannot wait to leave the crowd, to leave the danger. The light not only symbolises a green light for us to flee for our safety but also our hope to get over the crisis.


Poon Lok Man
UID: 3035696896

1 thought on “[Field-Homework 2] PACE

  1. Annie Lye says:

    Excellent demonstration of camera composition and editing techniques. In particular, video 2 with the overlay is extremely successful in heightening the “dreadful atmosphere” and seemingly aimlessness of these street wanderers. Worm angle is also good. The traffic light is clearly articulated in both video 5 and in your text description. Appreciate the metaphorical take on the traffic light as a symbolism of our eager waiting, as well as hopefulness in overcoming this pandemic.

    Lastly, could you help us in identifying the exact location where these videos were shot?


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