[Field-Homework 2] Transportation in crisis

  1. By capturing the disinfecting procedure on my room door, the bridge between outside and inside, I showed how this procedure transports me into private space from outside.https://youtu.be/9v0PqTlprgI
  2. Looking out from the flight, Hong Kong is getting closer. However, the plane is a somewhat confined space from HK because its place of departure is suffering a virus, and everyone on the plane needs to accept self-quarantine. https://youtu.be/dpAiVXNZX-A
  3. Strongly affected by the virus, residents are encouraged to stay at home. Thus, there is nearly no car on the highway, and I use the rearview mirror as a frame to show that.  https://youtu.be/1pUv801_D_0
  4. Things on both sides of the road are flying backward with the wind while inside the car, everything remains unchanged. Two spaces are displayed. The private vehicle is treated as the safest transportation tool during this period for its isolation character.https://youtu.be/4Sh8XcggfhI
  5. Buses drive on the street with fewer customers on them. Pedestrians are much fewer than usual during this particular period.https://youtu.be/BNAlG8XbHt8



I use the rearview mirror as a frame to show the desolate road. In this way, I try to interpret the relative isolation between private transportation and the surroundings. Staying at a private space is an efficient way to avoid getting infectious from crowds in public space. And it is also why people are encouraged to choose the private car as prior transportation.  At the same time, the vehicle itself also appears in the rearview mirror, which constructing a connection between the private vehicle and public surroundings, showing this public crisis is fated to affect individuals. Everyone should get involved in the hope of beating the virus.

Gao Ningling 3035638894

2 thoughts on “[Field-Homework 2] Transportation in crisis

  1. Ina Wu says:

    Appreciate your journalistic way of documenting your restricted journey back to Hong Kong. Appreciate also your thoughtful usage of color, indicating departing from a familiar place (home) and traveling to a dorm in which the safety throughout this process is not promised. It also appears that you have thought about the relationship between each of the videos so there is a sense of narration from one to the other. Particularly, the transition of the airplane view window to a car side mirror. Does the portrait format of the two clips indicate a first-person perspective? Or is it unintentional? However, the last clip didn’t work that well in this collection. In this collection most clips have a static camera with dynamic subjects, thus, it might work out better if the camera was also static and focused on filming at a zoomed-in eye level, depicting the emptiness of the buses.

    1. Gao Ningling says:

      Yes, the portrait format of the airplane view window and a car side mirror clips indicate a first-person perspective. About the last clip, thank you so much for your suggestion~


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