Field Trip 3: Lippo Center

Lippo center truly has a peculiar science-fiction futuristic look. At the center, under the magnifying glass is a still of Lippo Centre/HANKA Robotics from the film. In the Google search web page, I found out ironically that it is among the world’s ugliest buildings in some polls. As the Lippo is right next to the Bank of China, as illustrated by the photo, the former constantly reflects the latter with its glass walls. Nonetheless, Lippo is not another Chinese commercial group, since one of its co-founders, Mochtar Riady, is Indonesian. On the day of the field trip I went inside the building, coming across weird-shaped staircases, ugly fake shrubs and beautiful flowers in a painting. I took a real flower from the spot to put on my mood-board but lost it on the way home. In the right bottom corner, I tried two distinct fonts for HANKA, the company name. HANKA is the perfect birthplace for a new creature, a “living, thinking entity that was born in the sea of information” (Puppet Master, Ghost in the Shell, 1995).

BY    Zhu Jieming (3035448524)

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