2. Camera is tracking/panning, subject/s is/are static
This was done to look at the various angles and components of the nature.
5. Framing
This was not easy to find, but the fences around the plants were used to frame the subjects.
6. Cropping
The cropping of the shot disrupts the viewer from being distracted by the escalators in the background.
7. Stop Motion
The stop motion captured different angles of the plants at a fast pace.
The component of the central escalators I chose to focus on was nature. The escalators are located at a very central location in Hong Kong, with buildings and several other man-made products surrounding it. One thing I found special was the lack of greenery in the area, which is usually very prosperous in most parts of Hong Kong. Thus, it was not easy to capture this component since there was a lack of it. But because of that, it forced me to be creative with the shots I used when filming these videos. For instance, I mostly used close-ups in the stop motion video to emphasize the importance of these plants, even though there weren’t many in the area to begin with.
8. Slow Motion
Plants and wind are both a part of nature, enabling me to capture both aspects.
Clear and consistent topic throughout your shots. I enjoy your critical undertone regarding the missing natural elements in an artificial landscape, yet I wonder if your story could have evolved more if you would have focused on naturally grown vs. planted greenery