[Reading Response 2] Infrastructural Tourism by Shannon Mattern

Yueming LI [3036260462]

The article mentioned the definition of infrastructure and poses thoughts about the Interconnectivity of systems, wirelessness of infrastructures, and choices by users. An example of infrastructure for systems is electronic light, often seen at the surface or object level by users such as on the wall or the ceiling, often with no thought about the wires behind it that were embedded into the walls, and how they connect to the electricity station from home. 


In terms of choices made by users, and their impact on the environment. One may choose to send electronic files to save printing paper and think they will reduce the impact on the environment. But the environmental impact created by email servers such as heat, and the amount of water used to cool down the machines could be more harmful than cutting trees. 


Furthermore, the paper mentioned about the documentation of infrastructure, exposing the history and footprint of a place using art creation. Almost similar to a combination of a ghosted viewport and a command timeline in Rhino or other drawing software. Not only do we see the surface but also what’s behind it, and the imprint of it with respect to time. 


At the end of the paper, the author mentioned ways to raise awareness and what actions come after the attention gained. The author didn’t answer the question directly but posed possibilities for the project, such as how the viewers would react to it, and the opportunities for future actions.

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