[Reading Response: Ackbar Abbas]

In this tutorial and reading, we mainly focus on the generic city. In this day and age, globalization is the catalyst of culture exchange. Causing the development of most of the cities become similar. Every city like Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong design images of themselves to boost the tourist trade. As the special landmarks or the images can help them become unique and special among the other cities. However, these special icons being nonspecial since there are too many landmarks among the worlds. What is worse, this running to a dull point. Every city pays a huge amount of money to design a logo. Hong Kong just paid $9.2million for a new logo. Not only for logo, but also for the buildings. Cities are becoming just the concrete forest but losing the cultural context, significance, and identity, or “absence of character”, as mentioned by the author.


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1 thought on “[Reading Response: Ackbar Abbas]

  1. Putri Santoso says:

    In your essay, you pointed out how globalisation has dulled the city’s image, one way or another. City branding strategies are part of city marketing, which have been one of the urban design and development aspects for decades. Cities around the world are paying a massive amount of money to stand out from the others, mainly to attract more people to come. By understanding these rationales, you could proceed to approach globalisation by asking questions about its multifacetedness and build your argument thereupon. For example, in what way could globalisation partaking in the cultural preservation of the city?


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