[Reading Response] Ackbar Abbas

Abbas gave us a perspective to see the disappearance of cities’ identity, that the hyperlegibility of the city is precisely what makes it invisible. The generic city is created in this way, being complex with anomalies but without unique qualities. As hyperlegible golos reduce the city to a single icon among many similar icons and the city’s image being dulled, the city may consider constructing the landscape in a “glocalized” way rather than paying for foreign star architects and the image of the city in their eyes (which is often out of date). The mean of attracting tourists can as well follow the formula but the presentation would better be rooted in tradition, just like McDonald’s customizing its menus to suit local tastes in different countries. Digging into the traditional culture is an essential way to multiply a city’s charm and free it from “boredom”.

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1 thought on “[Reading Response] Ackbar Abbas

  1. YuxinLin  says:

    The architectures in the films give the first impression of the city to the audience, which is one of the most direct way to know about the city. However, when the city is simply defined by the architectures, the history and culture which isn’t shown by the architectures may ignored by people. HK has very complicated social background and history, where is affected by China, colony and its own special geographic and economic condition, resulting in and three typical kinds of architectures——Placeless, Merely Local and Anonymous. In this case, the receptivity of HK is extremely high, which causes the tendency of the vague identity of HK in globalization.The political system of China and Britain should be rival in HK, but the architectures which connote these two countries belong to the same internationalist architectural system, which may imply: the ideologically differentiated socioeconomic systems disappears.


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