Reading Response: Ackbar Abbas

The article mainly talks about the disappearances in Hong Kong. The most obvious disappearance is the architecture which is regarded as a commodity. These buildings can be easily ruined due to economic reasons. In some cases such as the clock tower and the Hong Kong culture centre, although the government kept the original building it is so weird to connect colonial architecture with the modern cultural centre with continuity. It is only used for visual consumption and we ignore the meaning behind these buildings. Other examples like the Flagstaff House and the Repulse Bay Hotel have a similar problem that people only focus on the building itself, not the spirit behind it. And we can discover that the disappearance is related to the recent mood and political mood and the second sense of disappearance is about the representation.

Kehang Xia, 3035824027

1 thought on “Reading Response: Ackbar Abbas

  1. Jen Lam says:

    Clear summary. Do you think the culture of disappearance also occur in other places? If not, why is it unique to Hong Kong?


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