Reading Response: Carl Abbot

In the article, the author imagines the idea of migratory city in the future. He suggests three kinds of migratory city: hunter-gatherers, cities riding the rails, and distributed cities. From my point of view, people’s motivation of making cities movable like avoiding disasters really matters than making cities moving itself.

In the examples shown, the author discussed some social problems like class distinction. Science fiction may present a imaginary background associated with people that are typical compared with the ones in the real world. Environmental problem is another concern considering the destruction to the environment when developing technology(Maybe the migratory city is built to avoid disaster caused by developing technology). I am wondering with the rapid development of technology, the world will become better for the convenience it brings, or even worse for the conflicts it aggravates.



Yan Zipeng


1 thought on “Reading Response: Carl Abbot

  1. Ina Wu says:

    Imaginary cities in science fiction do often help us reveal and reflect on the underlying social issues of our societies. With almost limitless imagination, the spaces and cities imagined exaggerate and visualize the problems. For example, in Ice- Piercer (both film and comic), the imagined city in a train form actively enables us to discuss social segregation that underlies most modern cities.
    Regarding your argument, do you mean by the intension to avoid disasters are more important than making a city as a whole move? Can you further elaborate on why this intension of a moveable city in response to crises is important than actually resolving the technicality of a movable city?
    For your doubt in rapid technological development and the aggregated social issues created, I would encourage you to write your own science fiction novel to ponder on this question. Just like the film Akira or Ghost in the Shell, there are no fixed answers to this complex question of the future.


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