[Reading Response: Carl Abbot]

This reading prompts me to think a lot about future cities as depicted in sci-fi movies. As a sci-fi movie fan, I have watched quite a lot of movies focusing on post-apocalyptic and dystopian citiscapes. In most cases, after an apocalypse, cities will fall, and survivors will cluster into the remaining big cities. In a recent film that I have watched, Mortal Engines, survivors of a World War gather into mobile cities, with the larger ones hunting down smaller ones for their resources. Within the major mobile city of the film (New London), social classism is predominant, as richer people live in the higher parts of the city.

I think that sci-fi citiscapes can easily demonstrate the lifestyle, demography and even economic, social and cultural situation in the fictional future world. Migrating cities, in particular, warns people of the consequences of global crises like energy exhaustion and even global warfare.

Ha Chun Ming  Rex 3035696547

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