Reading Response: Carl Abbott

Carl Abbott’s vision on the future seems very futuristic yet realistic at the same time. One of the cities that I found interesting were the distributed cities. This independent city exists in the form of airships. This breaks the stereotype of a city as the city can move around freely. Though the city is not physically connected with each other, the use of airships connect the cities.

This city really stood out to me as I believe a city like this may exist one day. With the advancement of transportation, there may be a time in life where having a private airship or spaceship may be as common as owning a car nowadays. The physical limitations we currently experience will no longer be an issue. We will be able to travel not only from one city to another but even to different planets in the distant future.

Choi Yoon Je (3035793498)

1 thought on “Reading Response: Carl Abbott

  1. Jen Lam says:

    Great that you imagined a future with an interconnected city. Wonder if you think this kind of city exists in a different form now? The sci-fi cities don’t always emerge in reality in exact ways but in a similar form. It would be intriguing to compare real cities with fictional ones.


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