[Reading Response: Carl Abbott]

In science fiction, ‘migratory’ cities are defined as fictional yet partly-realistic cities, in which some characteristics are taken reference from real cities like New York. What stands out from the meaning of ‘migratory’ cities is the example from Flood (2009) where people walk to the unflooded area, forming a community of walkers, as known as Walker City. This also echoes the urban development nowadays since urban development is now emphasising the walkability of the city. Furthermore, CyberCities is a concept that shed light on the modernity on technology advancement and the industrial side of the city, spawning the kind of Cyberpunk city. From clay, wood. brick to a big mass of concrete, city is evolving into a machine, as if mentioned by Le Corbusier that “A House Is A Machine For Living In”, that caters every humans need with the advancement of technology. CyberCities is feeding human with tech, and surviving with tech.


Wong Ming Chun Markus

1 thought on “[Reading Response: Carl Abbott]

  1. Jen Lam says:

    Clear summary. I wonder if technology is the only issue that prevents us from realizing the fascinating migratory cities? Why do these proposals remain unbuilt?


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