Reading Response: Carl Abbott

Carl Abbott talked about imaginary cities in science fiction films. The reason for creating these imaginary cities is because of issues like resource scarcity, environmental degradation, etc. For survival, the residents living in these cities had to develop a new form of a place to live, which the author refers to as “migratory cities.” These cities have the power for actions such as the ability to walk and even fly. These movies are a reflection of the modern social world and social problems, such as the failure of resource allocation. The film also depicts the differences between people of different classes and genders. For example, one film depicts how human-caused environmental problems eventually lead to chaotic living conditions. As a result, the rich and the poor live completely different lives.

– Zimeng Fan 3035952745

1 thought on “Reading Response: Carl Abbott

  1. Sammie says:

    Clear and concise summary. What do you think is the unique effect of discussing these real-world socio-environmental problems through the medium of film and in the science-fiction genre?


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