Reading Response: Carl Abbott and Christine Boyer

The writer have used several paragraph discussing about the sci-fi cities in future and made several comparisons towards the modern urban cities. The word of migratory city , also can be referred to walking city, is a new concept that the author mentioned in the passage, which is an ignorance of  landscape and few worry about the survival resources such as fossil fuels or other non renewable resources. What the author also mentioned is the reflection of future(sci-fi) cities towards the urban ones. Those imaginary and different changes are mostly discovered for solve problems existed now. Like the traffic congestion or energy shortage, or even the measurements towards the natural disasters. However, There do exist something that may remain unchanged. One thing the author has mentioned in a conceal way, is the invariance of the ruling class, or at least the ruling status, which also confirmed the former sentences which the difference and changing will only appear for things that urban cities wish to change(scientific ways).  For me, it can be summarized as only the physical materials or technical improvements will be applied in the movie for those cities, while the mental or regulations are rarely mentioned.

Bingzhang Lu 3035834759

1 thought on “Reading Response: Carl Abbott and Christine Boyer

  1. Jen Lam says:

    A clear summary of the reading. Why do you think while the physical environment is improved in sci-fi movies, some social issues remain unchanged? What are the movies trying to express?


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