Reading Response: Joseph Rosa

From the reading, in early times, Modern architecture deterred people. It was viewed as stern cold designs that shouldn’t appear in household design. But be used in office settings. Traditional housing in movie looks more warm and close to people. In contrast, modern housing built with more steel and white regular materials, looks more cold and not comfy to live in. So, people didn’t accept using modern designs in earlier times.

Another thing to mention is there were stereotypes regarding housing as created in films, which means image of different types of housing and residents in it differs. For example, people living in apartment are more innocent, energetic and young. This reflects social stratification of classes indicated by apartments. Also, penthouse residents had been portrayed as weird people. This is probably because upper class differed with ordinary people. So penthouse residents had alienated images in films.

Siew Ming Ho Iwan, 3035933244



1 thought on “Reading Response: Joseph Rosa

  1. Sammie says:

    You pointed out some key points brought up in Rosa’ essay. What do you think is the role of stereotypes related to housing in film? Also, can you clarify what you mean by penthouse residents having ‘alienated images’ in films?


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