[Reading Response: Michel de Certeau]

In this reading, Michel uses an interesting comparison of everyday spaces and narratives. Similarly, both subjects involve certain aspects that are made up of our participation, either physical or imagination. Unlike a ‘place’, which has a more rigid structure, spaces are more fluid, meaning that one place could have multiple spaces, either coexisting or not. Based on this, there could be numerous narratives of one place at the same time, which gives the word ‘metaphor’ another meaning in reality. Metaphor is defined as a figure of speech that describes an entity not based on its appearance but to illustrate an idea. For example, subtle communal areas that normally do not catch our attention could be dramatized by different events to bring a community together, for example a project by CUHK ‘Magic Carpet’ turns ordinary streets into temporary theaters to showcase videos about the community made by students from that area.

WONG Wing Yan Audrey 3035667297

1 thought on “[Reading Response: Michel de Certeau]

  1. Ina Wu says:

    A very good attempt at responding to Certeau’s notion of Spaces and Places in this week’s reading. Your explanations are clearly written and demonstrate clarity in your thinking.


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