Reading Response: Michel de Certeau

“Ever story is a travel story- a spatial practice.” If architecture is what turns a place into a space through designs and physical structures, then the people inside it is what gives the space its story and meanings. Thereupon, maps display simple directions of a city as a whole in an objective manner; while movies are like tours that bring viewers on a journey to view the details of a series of spaces. As the plot draws viewers to immerse themselves into the distinct spatial experience, the originally ordinary place is then subjected to their own perception and sensory, hence fostering the literary representation of space. This attributes to the narrator’s effort to shoot the film in a way to capture and convey the atmosphere of the sites in a special and well planned point of view that we may not have experienced in person.

Kwan Yin Kiu 3035934391


1 thought on “Reading Response: Michel de Certeau

  1. Lu Zhang says:

    I appreciate that you have noticed the film’s potential and power of shaping space through its narration. And it is interesting to compare the film to tourism, which highlights the sense of space created by cinema. Besides, cinema might still have the power of the “god gaze” that is distinguished from the specific tourist or pedestrian. As both voyeur and walker, the dual perspectives of cinema call for further reflection.


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