Reading Response: Michel de Certeau

The article have provided a new perspective to see ‘space’ and ‘place’.

Place it is a static site can be seen and consists of boundary with stability. On the other hand, intersections of movable parts form up space, as space is full with personal feeling and own stories. During the love story film, when someone need me time to cope with the cruel truth,  they will say ‘ I need some space ‘ instead of using the word of place. Yet, this two words is interchangeable. The definition of both of it can be proposed by anyone, since, not everybody have the same experience and history at that certain time and space.

For me, the example of the map and tour in the essay remind me the same situation of ‘film cameras ‘ and ‘digital camera’, both can accomplish the similar results but a different path and time.

Fung Ching Hin 3035864211


1 thought on “Reading Response: Michel de Certeau

  1. Jen Lam says:

    Good summary. What do you mean by the definition of place and space that can be proposed by anyone? How do you understand them differently?


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