Reading Response: Michel de Certeau

This article discusses the relationship and difference between space and place. Simply from the definition, the place is more geographic which is a 2-D plane while space is likely to be a 3-D concept. The place is more static, and space seems closely related to movements that require other elements such as time flow, vectors of directions, and velocities. Space is a practiced place, and place gives space meanings and values. The movement of pedestrians transforms the place into space. Combined with the reality of our everyday lives, ‘being there’ and operations’ shows the opposition between ‘place’ and ‘space’.

The annotation of place and space leads to the discussion of “maps” and “tours”. The ‘tour’ organizes the movement. Simultaneously, the map mainly shows the knowledge of the order of the things. However, in reality, these two types often coexist. Maps usually provide indicators and conditions to the tour. Action can allow people to see something, but also, place indicates where to go.

Zihan Zuo 3035953610

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