[Reading Response: Pamela Wojcik]

In the introduction to apartment plot, Pamela Wojcik mentioned the relationship between apartment plot genre, which I understand as using apartment space storytelling or character setting, and the use of it as a critical genre to intersect with other genre. The space of apartment represent the experience, lifestyle and value of a character or the tone that a movie tried to set. One film that I found using apartment plot after I read the essay was Léon: The Professional. The two characters were living as neighbours in a poverty region of little Italy in New York. The setting of  apartment is able to create the setting of the movie: a world filled with crimes and drugs. However, as the movie proceed, the apartment was also able to give viewer a sense of home as oppose to the more modern but less relatable world of other places.

Wong Wai Ching


1 thought on “[Reading Response: Pamela Wojcik]

  1. Ina Wu says:

    Appreciate this insightful reading into Wojcik’s commentary on the apartment complex, especially in referencing the film ‘Léon: The Professional’ for your reflection.


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