Reading Response: Roland Barthes

The movie theater has a lot in common with hypnosis. People go into a theater to spend their free time and enjoy leisure, so it makes sense that the theater is decorated in ways to make people escape from reality.

The darkness of the cinema tries to completely isolate viewers from their surroundings, leaving an unfamiliar but relaxing place for us to fully concentrate on the film, while the only light there should be from the screen, distinguishing the film itself from the dark surrounding. In this case, viewers can be guided to indulge in the story of the film. Meanwhile, a typical theater has loudspeakers in different positions, providing surround sound effects to further attract audiences into the film. Nowadays, with the development of technology, it is even possible for us to have 4D experiences in a theater, offering many physical effects to make us audiences feel like we are at the scene of the story.

For me, watching films is a great way to escape from my daily life and experience something new. I enjoy these hours of indulging in a whole unknown world.

Full Name: Kexin, Liu


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