[Reading Response] Walter Benjamin

The technological reproduction seem have many advantages to this world which having a rapid pace. Most of us chase a high speed and perfect life. This type of reproduction could 

provide a high quality of product in a short time. But it is not suitable for artwork. In my opinions, the “aura” of the artwork means uniqueness. Because every art piece is different so they are special. The topics, colours, characters and anything in the artwork include the creativity of us. Now there are some AI program which can draw artwork. After you put down the topic, the program just copy and change something from their data base of artwork. A new drawings is produced. If we produce artworks by technological reproduction, the products are the same which will loss their uniqueness. This is a big disadvantage of this reproduction.


Name : Ng Sing Yuet Moon

UID : 3036063670

Reference :

Benjamin, W. (2008). The Working of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility, and Other Writings on Media. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press

1 thought on “[Reading Response] Walter Benjamin

  1. Lu Zhang says:

    It is great that you figured out the uniqueness brought by the aura of the artwork. For Benjamin, the time and space that the artwork present is its “aura.”Aura is a quality integral to an artwork that cannot be communicated through mechanical reproduction techniques – such as photography and film. So, I am wondering how you define film since film is neither a fully technological product nor an artificial work, but a newly emerged visual approach as era shifts. Because people perceive change with social changes, or changes in ‘humanity’s entire mode of existence. Each human sensory perspective is not completely biological or natural. It is also historical and contextual. Please further reflect on how the popularization of film/digital media shifts the way we observe, understand, describe, utilize, and even create art.


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